
Here is a little background

An aspiring Frontend Developer with a year of experience building fullstack and frontend APIs, I have strong communication skills and a deep understanding of how to work with others. My experience in client-facing roles and as a tutor has given me the ability to ask the right questions and learn from others, which is a crucial skill for any developer. I was able to demonstrate these skills during the BrightNetwork Technology Academy, where our final project received recognition for being both creative and efficient.

Programming is important because it allows us to harness the power of engineering to improve the lives of people on a daily basis. This is what inspires me to code. The ability to be creative and collaborate with like-minded individuals from around the world to solve complex problems using technology however, is what excites me.


Trainee Software Engineer & Consultant

Bright Network Technology Academy

JUL 22- Current

  • Learn fundementals of JS,HTML, CSS and React (i.e Hooks) to create fullstack APIs that follow CRUD functionality
  • Understand core Java concepts (i.e. OOP) and SQL to create a CRUD API using Spring Boot that stores user information. Ran using Postman
  • Work in Agile environments, with an aim of maximising potential consumer satisfcation and project quality

Website Design & Deployment

Self Employed

Aug 22- Current

  • Use Domain Registrar (123Reg) to move parked domain to Web Hosting Service (Siteground), to host Web Domain and point to the server
  • Collaborate with client and designers to maximise UI based on market research of competitor sites
  • Use Elementor and UI Core to style the website to client needs & follow SEO protocol

Client Services


Dec 21- May 22

  • Conduct comparative on market trends and potential growth pathways for Clients, including those in the Tech
  • Match and Onboard C-level Tech Executives and Directors for Client Research Cnsultations, receiving a 100% satisfaction rate of onboarded Consultants
  • Achieved an 80% approval rate by clients for subject matter experts recruited, exceeding the average rate of 65%


Hover over a skill for current profieciency (At Junior Level)














project preview

WorldPin- React&SpringBoot API

This project is a collaborative effort that leverages the React library and a Java SpringBoot API to build a web application that allows users to communicate their world travels in the form of photos located on a map. The application integrates with various APIs, including Google Maps, Geolocation, and Google Search, to offer a comprehensive and interactive user experience. It also uses Firebase Storage to store user data and uploaded photos, to be rendered upon page load. This app is designed to be used by travellers and long distance loved ones- where individuals can track each others updates from around the world in the form of pictures, captions and dates.

Source Code
project preview

TicTacToe- SpringBoot API

A RESTful API containing repositories,services, models and controllers; developed using Spring and PostgreSQL. This project is a local 2-player tic-tac-toe game where players take turns trying to place 3 of their counters in a vertical, horizontal, or diagonal sequence. The results are stored in a SQL database, which records the game ID, the players associated with that game, the status of the game, and the winner (if the game is complete). We used Postman to test our code, ensuring that the API allows us to add players to a game and create sequences that result in a winner when any of the winning combinations are satisfied.

Source Code
project preview

Website Portfolio- Next.JS API

This fully-responsive modern portfolio website is built using Next.JS, a framework for building server-rendered or statically-exported React applications. It is written in TypeScript, helping me catch errors before I run my code. The website is designed using Tailwind CSS, a utility-first CSS framework that makes it easy to style your application with low-specificity, modular styles. It allows me to apply styles directly to my HTML elements using classes, rather than having to define styles in a separate CSS file. It also implements animations and gestures using Framer Motion, a library for creating animations and gestures in React.

Source Code


London,UK (Willing to relocate)